Do Blue Light Glasses Actually Help You Sleep Better?

We've all been there – it's 2 AM, and you're staring at the ceiling, wide awake. You've tried everything to fall asleep, but it's just not happening. And it doesn't help that your phone is lighting up with notifications every few minutes. What could be the problem? One possibility is that you're being exposed to too much blue light.

What is blue light? This is a type of light that's emitted by digital screens, and research has shown that it can disrupt the body's natural sleep cycle. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to reduce your exposure to blue light, including wearing blue light glasses. But can blue light glasses really help you sleep better?

Yes, They Can!

While they won't work for everyone, experts believe blue light glasses improve sleep quality.

You see, our bodies produce a hormone called melatonin that makes us sleepy. But blue light – the kind emitted by screens – suppresses melatonin production and makes us feel more alert. This alertness is great during the day but not so much at night. It's no wonder we have a hard time falling asleep when we're constantly staring at screens right up until bedtime.

Fortunately, using blue-light glasses can help block the blue light, so you can still use your devices without disrupting your sleep cycle.

That said, blue light glasses should not be your only method for improving sleep quality. In addition to using blue light glasses, you should also:

-Keep screens out of the bedroom

-Establish a regular sleep schedule

-Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bedtime

-Get some

exercise during the day

More Frequently Asked Questions About Blue Light Glass

How Do Blue Light Glasses Work?

Unlike other glasses that just tint your vision, blue-light glasses have a special coating that filters out the blue light. This means you can still see clearly, but the blue light no longer affects your melatonin production.

Who Should Wear Them?

Anyone can benefit from wearing blue light glasses, but they're especially helpful for people who have trouble are sensitive to light.

When Should I Wear Them?

You can wear them any time you're using screens, but most people find it helpful to wear them in the evening as they're winding down for the day. This way, you're not exposing yourself to blue light for too long and disrupting your sleep.

Are There Any Side Effects?

No, there are no side effects to wearing blue light glasses. The only thing you might notice is that your vision appears a bit more yellow than usual. But don't worry, that's just the glasses working their magic!

Are They Expensive?

Understandably, you'd want to know if these glasses will break the bank. The good news is that they don't have to! You can find a pair of decent-quality blue light glasses for around $20.

Sleep is the foundation of good health, so it's important to do what you can to get a good night's rest. And if blue light glasses can help with that, they're definitely worth a try!

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