How do I cancel my order? Lets Customers Edit, Cancel and Reorder right from the thank you page of the order, or in your account under orders, 

  • Changing the order

For full editing flexibility, the original order is canceled, and the shopping cart is reloaded.

When you decide to edit an order, you will confirm that you want to cancel the original order and load a shopping cart for editing. This allows full flexibility to edit payment, shipping and order content information. It also reduces errors and confusion.
  • 1 Hour Limit 

we have a one hour limit to cancel an order, after one hour your order might already be in the lab if you have a RX order or it might already be shipping, therefore you will have to contact us to cancel the order. 

  • Prescription orders

An order with prescription can only be cancelled if the lenses hasn't been ordered or worked on yet

Comments (2)

  • Sergio

    What is my packet

  • Jay

    Is there a phone number I can call?

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